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Woman Artist Platform

Kelola has started supporting performing arts since 2001 with Hibah Seni / Art Grants. After five years running this grant, Kelola found out that only less than quarter of the participants (applicants and grantees) are woman. This is where the program Empowering Women Artists tries to contribute to lessen this disparity. By giving women artists opportunity not only to grow their body of works but to learn by residencies and mentorship.
More than a decade later, Empowering Women Artists (EWA) program has evolved into Hibah Cipta Perempuan (HCP) and put on halt in 2018. That when the initiative to create this platform started. This Women Artists’ Platform serves as knowledge provider and support network for all the grantees of these programs. Moreover, this platform is designed to identify challenges and issues faced by these women artists and how to improve their resiliency through gender perspective.

Part of the workshop will focused on reflecting how they work after they completed their program with EWA or HCP and discussing their issues as an artists and challenges and what do they do currently. With direction from the facilitators and observer, they are encouraged to go beyond those problems then view themselves and the world in a more gender perspective. The challenge was to create novel approach and alternative perspective to see gender issues in a more critical and contextual.

This workshop facilitated by two main facilitators and 1 observer. They were Melati Suryodarmo, Ita Fatia Nadia, and Alia Swastika, respectively. The choice to deliberately combine two facilitators from different background is to enriched women artists participants’ insights both in artistic and gender perspective.

Women Artists Participants

Festival Royo Royo 2019

Yayasan Kelola dan Dia.Lo.Gue bersama Ars Management dan Eko Nugroho menghadirkan Royo-Royo #1: Wayang Bocor.

Salah satu program yang digagas oleh Kelola untuk menggalang dana bagi keberlangsungan program yang memberikan ruang belajar, ruang berbagi pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan juga membangun jaringan bagi pelaku seni. ⁣

Rangkaian kegiatan Festival Royo-Royo:⁣
– Pertunjukan “Permata di Ujung Tanduk” The Wayang Bocor⁣
– Pameran Arsip Pertunjukan “Bungkusan Hati dalam Kulkas” oleh Studio Eko Nugroho⁣
– Workshop Kreativitas bersama Eko Nugroho Art Class⁣
– Workshop Manajemen bersama ARS Management. ⁣

Loka Kelola
LOKA KELOLA merupakan salah satu program yang dirancang oleh Yayasan Kelola sejak 2019.
Sesuai dengan makna yang terkandung pada nama LOKA, yang berarti “dunia”, “dimensi”, “penuh”, “tempat” dan “lihat”, program ini diharapkan dapat memberi ruang luas kepada khalayak umum untuk belajar dari para seniman seni pertunjukan Indonesia mengenai berbagai hal menarik yang bersangkutan dengan pengalaman mereka selama berkesenian, bagaimana mereka menemukan jalan dan mengelola praktik berkeseniannya, mendalami dan menggali wawasan sehingga berhasil memberi warna pada dunia seni pertunjukan Indonesia.
Untuk memudahkan akses dan penyebarannya secara cepat dan luas, pengalaman para artis tersebut akan direkam dalam media video untuk kemudian ditayangkan melalui berbagai kanal yang memungkinkan. Selain menjadi media pembelajaran, pembuatan video para artis seni pertunjukan dalam program LOKA KELOLA diharapkan dapat menjadi dokumentasi artis seni pertunjukan Indonesia yang masih hidup. Di samping itu, pencantuman subtitel dalam bahasa Inggris dapat menjadikan video luaran program ini sebagai alat untuk memperkenalkan artis seni pertunjukan Indonesia di tingkat internasional.


Dalam Loka Kelola edisi pertama, Hartati membagikan pelajaran-pelajaran berharga yang dilahirkan dari pengalamannya sebagai seorang penari dan koreografer dengan sejumlah karya besar.

Rangkaian Video

• Supervisor Produksi: Dewi Noviami
• Pelaksana: Fuad Fuaji
• Videografer: Adel Pasha, Syaiful Anwar, Micko
• Dokumentasi: Bagasworo Aryaningtyas
• Subtitle: Dhianita Kusuma Pertiwi

Yola Yulfianti

Serial video ini mengangkat Yola Yulfianti, seorang koreografer yang memberikan pengetahuan dan wawasannya seputar koreografi tari.

Yola Yulfianti adalah koreografer yang banyak melakukan eksperimentasi lintas medium dan artistik. Lulusan pendidikan doktoral di ISI 2014, Yola adalah sutradara dance film Suku Yola (2011) pemenang Pearls Winner di Internationale Tanz Film Pool Festival Berlin 2012. Yola merupakan alumni program Hibah Seni Yayasan Kelola tahun 2006 untuk karya Kupuku Caca yang dipentaskan di Goethe Haus, Jakarta. Yola adalah peraih program Hibah Cipta Perempuan tahun 2014 untuk karya I Think, Tonk dan tahun 2015 untuk karya Ibu Ibu Ibukota. Yola adalah anggota Komite Tari Dewan Kesenian Jakarta 2020-2023.

Rangkaian Video

• Supervisor Produksi: Gita Hastarika
• Videografer: Purbo Wahyono
• Penerjemah: Faiza Muhammad
• Finalisasi: Dewi Noviami, Fuad Fauji, Dhianita Kusuma Pertiwi, Bagasworo Aryaningtyas, Syaiful Anwar
• Lokasi Produksi: Sekolah Pascasarjana Institut Kesenian Jakarta
Southeast Asia Choreographer Network

Southeast Asia Choreographers Network (SEACN) is a project of Kelola Foundation and made possible in part with a grant from the Asian Cultural Council and support from the Mandarin Oriental Foundation and the family of Sam Miller to advance international dialogue, understanding, and respect through cultural exchange in the arts.

SEACN was initiated to provide a platform which addresses the needs of choreographers in Southeast Asia for workshops, talks, presentations and studio visits through which the participants enhance their artistic visions and practice. The platform has also cultivated and nurtured a network among participants —opening more possibilities for mapping, collaborating, resource sharing, as well as collective knowledge production in the region.

At the same time, it aims and needs to broaden the network to various components outside the existing circle, by involving the many stakeholders that are part of the ecosystem of the performing arts. For its 2020 edition, we began recognizing iteration number (SEACN #3) to mark the continuation of the platform; to help the participants, mentors, organizers, funding sources and other stakeholders trace its trajectories; and to evaluate and formulate each meeting. Hence, the two previous SEACN meetings in 2019, has become a strong foundation for this edition.

SEACN #3 moved to an online platform due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Since there would not be any in-person meeting, we decided to invite mentors who facilitated two previous SEACN. They were Arco Renz (mentor for SEACN #1), Daniel Kok and Helly Minarti (mentors for SEACN #2). By doing so, both mentors and participants were not only familiar with each other, but also would have a chance to continue their conversations from the previous SEACN meetings.

Download the publication about this network “Context, Connection, Collaboration: Southeast Asia Choreographers Network”, 2021 here.  

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